Lost and Found
(Click on the banner to know more about the LOST AND FOUND EVENT)


Thank you, Sid, for helping us get the word out on this wonderful book! I am very proud to say this is my very first published story and I could not be more honored to be a part of such a wonderful group of authors and our awesome editor Kris. All the proceeds from this book are going to charity to help homeless children who were rejected by their families only because they were gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.

I wrote this story because I grew up with several friends who were afraid to tell anyone that they were GLBT. They feared rejection not only from family but their closest friends as well. Without a support group how can any of us survive? So many of them hid who they were because of fear. No one should have to conceal who they are inside because they are afraid of what others will do to them.

Protective Instincts was inspired by a true story of my best friend who came out when he was in college. He was afraid he was going to lose everyone. But when he told his friends and family he ended up not losing a single important friend or family member. All of us were very supportive and loved him.

I wish that everyone’s story was like this but I fear (and know) that more children will be thrown away because his or her own family thinks of them as unworthy because they are LGBT.

I began writing gay stories not knowing that the genre even existed at the time. I wrote stories for my friends and myself. I wanted my best friend to be able to relate to the characters and know that everyone deserves love. I write because I want love to win.

I was very happy to be asked to be a part of this anthology which soon became such a powerful cause.  The authors and the editor of this anthology are amazing. I was blessed to work with them especially this being my first published story

My heart breaks knowing that there are children who only know rejection because of their sexual orientation. Being a part of this anthology gives me hope that one day all children will have a happy ending to their stories no matter who they are or where they come from.


Reviewed by Macky

STORY: Protective Instincts
BOOK: Lost and Found
AUTHOR: Tabatha Heart
EDITOR: Kris Jacen
PUBLISHER: Featherweight Press
BLURB: Some statistics say that 40% of all homeless teens are GLBT. They’re on the streets after their families have thrown them away, told them that they don’t matter, that they’re not normal. Well, guess what? Those families are wrong. This collection of stories by ten talented authors spans the spectrum (historical, paranormal, transgender, cutter, gay) to show that – it’s okay, there are people out there that care, and these teens are perfect just the way they are.


Blake and Davin have been secretly dating for a few weeks but theirs is no ordinary relationship because they are both Werewolves and in their pack rules, males are not allowed to mate. Blake is son of the pack Beta whilst Davin and his mom are lower pack members and fairly new ones at that, on a probationary period to see if they will fit in. Only m/f pairings are allowed, homosexuality is not accepted and neither boy has yet come out to his family or pack. To make things worse Davin is hiding secrets about his relationship with his alcoholic mother who has spent hers and Davins life, flitting from pack to pack, constantly being kicked out because of her nasty temper.

After being discovered kissing by Davins mother the two of them are forced to make a decision that could result in them being alienated from the pack and forced into a life fending for themselves, which as young gay teen shifters ( or just a young gay couple ) would be both extremely difficult, dangerous and terribly sad.

Overall this is a sweet, at times sad, but finally uplifting little tale that will definitely pull the heartstrings and fits well into the anthology with its subject matter and I did really enjoy it. I would have loved to have seen a bit more about how the boys first met. They are obviously complete opposites… Davin a Mohawked, multi pierced, eyelinered goth but Blake is harder to get a handle on as we don’t get a great description of him. Is he a jock, geek, all American boy, boy next door type? I wasn’t sure. I’d have loved to have seen how they first met and what their initial reactions to each other were, but that boils down to restriction of length. Fleshed out I think this would make a great shifter novella or novel as the Werewolf world that Tabetha has started to build here has great possibilities to expand on. Ultimately this story – like most in this book – is about rejection but its also about hope, love and support and it warms the heart.

The epilogue is a lovely touch as we go years ahead to see how the guys are getting on and theres one final ‘ resolution ‘ that finishes it off very nicely and gives you with that “Awww ” feeling, leaving you feeling contented and satisfied.

All the authors royalties go to a wonderful charity that works with homeless LGBT teens who have been rejected by their families. Lost-n- Found Youth inc…. Hence the name of the book.

As quoted in the editors note at the beginning:

“Our hope is that with these stories, teens realise that there are many out there that care about them. That no matter what anyone says — THEY MATTER.”

They DO matter and lets show them how by buying this wonderful 5 star set of stories and supporting an awesome cause!

Macky’s Rating: four-stars_0


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Macky is one of the official reviewers on The Blog of Sid Love.

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Why do you need to follow? – To get instant updates on the winner announcement, or other giveaway events that are planned to be hosted on this blog or simply for the reviews and author interviews that are posted here.


CONTEST WILL END ON 21st June, 2013 @ 11:59 PM Central Time!!

There will be a giveaway contest everyday from 16th to 23rd of June, 2013. The blog will be hosting these for the authors who have contributed to this anthology – who will be giving away either any of their books from their backlist (excluding Lost & Found, of course!) or their will be a giveaway of Gift Cards!

MLR Press will choose a lucky winner from the entire lot who have participated in these daily contests and the winner will get to choose one book of their choice from their HUGE backlist!


  1. Cinders says:

    Loved reading the stories within the book. Should be a library book every where.

  2. Toni Whitmire says:

    bibbiesparks@yahoo.comI think you are doing a very good job and more people should get involve.

  3. Jbst says:

    strive4bst(At) yahoo(Dot) com
    Congrats on being a published author and being part of this worthwhile anthology.

  4. Debbie says:

    Congratulations for being part of this anthology and best of luck in your further writing career.

  5. Urb says:

    Great way to have started your writing career; congratulations! All young people can benefit from these stories of hope.

  6. Trix says:

    These are such heartrending posts, but I know you all will make a difference!

  7. Name*: Meghan
    Email ID*: mm_reads@live.com
    Message to the Author: “Lost-n- Found Youth Inc” and your book both sound pretty awesome. It’s hard to reach the kids who need it most and let them know there are supportive resources just for them.

  8. Tabatha Heart says:

    Thank you everyone! I’m glad we are giving hope and starting to make a difference!

    In appreciation,
    Tabatha Heart

  9. Tabatha Heart says:

    Reblogged this on M/M Paranormal Romance and commented:
    Come check out my guest blog, story review, & giveaway on Sid Love’s Blog! Thank you Sid for hosting this wonderful event!

  10. DebraG says:


    My daughter was so afraid we would reject her that she sent me an email. We already knew and accepted her.

  11. H.B. says:

    A great way to start off your writing career and give hope and help to those who need it.

  12. Cynthia says:

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    Thank you for your contribution. I’ve already brought a copy of Lost and Found.

  13. Penumbra says:

    I love shifter stories, YA or Adult.

  14. Melissa Leach says:

    I’m about half way through my copy of Lost and Found and love the stories. And this is such a worthy cause. If the blog participants have not checked out Lost and Found Youth’s website, they should. Thank you for your contributing your talents to this effort.


  15. ilona says:

    I haven’t got this one yet but it has been on my wishlist since it was first mentioned on another blog. Maybe if I win the GC I can buy it at last!

    felinewyvern at googlemail dot com

  16. […] Lost-N-Found Guest Blog, Story Review & GIVEAWAY: Tabatha Heart […]

  17. Penumbra says:

    Congrats on your first publication!

  18. Carolyn says:

    caroaz [at] ymail [dot] com
    Such a worthy cause to spotlight and support. Thank you, Sid and thank you, Tabatha!

  19. […] Lost-N-Found Guest Blog, Story Review & GIVEAWAY: Tabatha Heart […]

  20. Jeanne says:

    Congratulations!! I know you will be a big success.

  21. Name*: Darcy
    Email ID*: pomma @akwolf.com
    Message to the Author:
    Another new author to me, and I will be looking for moreof your stories in the future…*S*
    Wonderful premise, and thank you for the great review! As a parent I just don’t get it. I cannot understand parents that literally throw their own children away. My children are grown, but I would open my home and heart beat to any young person being abused because they are gay or transgendered. They do matter..they matter so very much!
    Thank you authors for creating such a project that will hep these precious kids!

  22. Marie says:

    This is such a worthwhile project. Thank you for participating!
    awindandbooks at gmail dot com

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