Posts Tagged ‘dreamspinner’

Reviewed by Susan Lee

TITLE: Strong Enough
AUTHOR: Cardeno C
PUBLISHER: Dreamspinner
When twenty-two-year-old Emilio Sanchez sees handsome Spencer Derdinger walking by his construction site, Emilio makes it his goal to seduce the shy professor. Getting Spencer into bed isn’t difficult, but Emilio soon learns that earning the trust of a man deeply hurt will take time and patience. With a prize like brilliant, sweet Spencer on the line, Emilio decides he is strong enough to face the challenge.

Spencer is surprised when he’s approached by the gorgeous construction worker he’s admired from the safety of his office window. Acting spontaneously for the first time in his thirty-eight years, Spencer takes Emilio home. When the casual hookup turns into the potential for love, Spencer realizes that if he wants to build a life with Emilio, he’ll need to be strong enough to slay his personal demons and learn to trust again.

This book was sappy, sticky, cheesy, almost-too-perfect…and I ADORED IT.

As a single person “of a certain age” (ha!), this book is the fairy tale.  Feeling “ordinary” – but suddenly pursued by a HOT model-looking man, who not only is beautiful, but gentle, supportive, totally into you, AND the “settling down” kind.  Duh…sign me up! And maybe it’s this personal connection to the story that had me smiling ear-to-ear as I read each page, but, in the end, my heart felt full.

I love that Cardeno C writes characters who’ve lived life…who are older, successful, yet still lost when it comes to love. I relate to these characters.  Spencer Derdinger is a 38 year-old math professor, successful professionally, but unlucky in love, suffering from erectile dysfunction, insecure, lonely, and just going through the motions of life. Yes, he’s slightly pathetic.  But, I found him lovely and sympathetic…and adorable.

Emilio, a 22 year-old construction worker is a larger-than-life character.  He is perfect in every way and though this would typically make my eyes roll, I think he needed to be THIS amazing to build up someone like Spencer.  Emilio is the prince, the dream man, and this WORKED for me.

I loved them together. SWEET, KIND, TENDER, BEAUTIFUL, HOT…I loved their conversations, their interactions, and their sexual connections.

All the side stories: ridiculous ex-boyfriend, caricature family members and best friends, etc. did, actually, annoy me a bit.  And truthfully, the main story line itself was truly too much. But, as I mentioned…it so matched/suited the fairy tale in my head of that perfect romance, it worked for me.  Make Spencer & Emilio break out into song and this could easily be a Disney movie.

Cardeno C is a self-professed romantic so you know what you’re going to get when you read these books…ROMANCE…in the sappiest way possible.  But, you know, for me, I need this every now and again.  And I’ve never once, even in the books I didn’t like as much, walked away feeling down after reading a Cardeno C book!  “Strong Enough” made me feel like I was on a fluffy cloud…and I’m still smiling…

Susan’s Rating:four-stars_0



Susan Lee is one of the official reviewers on The Blog of Sid Love.

To read all her reviews, click the link: SUSAN’S REVIEWS

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Poppy Dennison

Poppy Dennison is here today on The Blog of Sid Love to promote her very recent release “Born This Way”. I took this opportunity to get her talking a bit about the book, her writing and her love for travelling – among other things, of course. Find the exclusive interview with Poppy Dennison below and “Born This Way” blurb followed by it.

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Welcome Poppy! We are really honored to have you over.

Hey Sid! Thank you so much for having me! I can’t wait to see what questions you have in store for me. A little birdie told me you come up with some good ones! LOL

Born This WayGod! High expectations always make me nervous! Well, I will try my best not to screw up then. lol 

Your newest novella – Born This Way – is about some interesting shifter species; something I’d really like to see in real life ’cause simply put, it’s hot! And one of the MCs – Hart, I believe, is a liger?

Hart is a liger—he has a lion mother and a tiger father. They are real animals, but they don’t occur in nature. Rumor has it that a frisky lion found his way into a tigress’ cage at a zoo … and well, a liger occurred. Hehehe. You can also have a tiglon, which is a tiger father and lion mother. There are some down sides. From what I understand, they don’t live very long and they aren’t able to reproduce. Something about the combination of species making them sterile? What really intrigued me though was how HUGE ligers are. The ones I found information on are twice the size of their parents, and if you’ve ever seen a lion at a zoo, you know they’re big enough. Imagine an animal twice that size! Okay, I’ll stop the liger lesson but I found the idea so amazing that I had to look into it.

Rawr! He just sounds temptingly delicious. What about the other MC? Tell us something about him.

When I started developing the idea of a shapeshifting liger, I came up with Hart. The challenge then became creating a character that could balance my idea of the super strong, over the top liger. He needed to be strong too, and a wee bit sassy so he could put up with Hart. Dayton became the perfect match for his tall, dark and humongous liger mate.

Hmm… Dayton – I don’t know why but I kinda love that name.

Thanks! It took me a while to name him to be honest. As I was pondering, I called him Sunshine in the story because I knew a lion would really like basking in the sunshine. I found the name Dayton which means “bright and sunny town” and knew that Hart could find his home there!

So, what’s the real deal between Hart and Dayton?

The real deal is that Hart has a bit of an advantage over Dayton. Hart knows that Dayton is his mate. Dayton, on the other hand, is 100% human. He has to rely on finding his true love the old fashioned way! He’s not just going to fall swooning into Hart’s arms when he learns the truth—he’s going to make Hart work for it!

Well, I did read the blurb and that itself had me intrigued. Also, it seems people are loving the concept.

Yay! I had a lot of fun with this book. Can I tell you a little secret? I might have been a little drugged up on painkillers when I wrote the first draft. Hehehe. I had surgery last summer and while I was recovering, I decided to take a break from the TRIAD series. Those books require a lot of careful plotting and while I was healing, I was not quite up to the challenge. I saw the liger image while poking around and that’s where the concept came from!

Is there a possibility that this novella may turn into a prequel for some more Dayton/Hart Shifter Romance for the readers?

I think that’s a definite possibility. I had a lot of fun creating the world in this novella, and the side characters that I created to fill out Hart and Dayton’s world would be fun to explore a little more.

Okay I have been dying to ask you this and I am not gonna hesitate at all – Are you a Lady GaGa fan?

LOL! Of course I’m a Lady GaGa fan! Although, I’m not hard core or anything to be honest. That said, Bad Romance comes on the radio and I’m cranking it up full blast and singing along.


“When I first met Poppy, we made an immediate connection, without really having any logical reason for doing so. But I think we instinctively saw in the other a true friend. Poppy has enormous heart and enormous talent.”



Obviously, you are a fan of the genre you write in – so who according to you rules in this fantasy or paranormal genre? I mean, is there any author who you look up to? What is it about him or her that interests you?

I’m a huge paranormal fan! Can’t get enough. I’d say it’s about 75% of what I read. There are so many good paranormal authors out there…it’s hard to choose! I absolutely can’t get enough of Mary Calmes Change of Heart series. I love those werepanthers! Love lovelove them! Mary created an amazing world with such intricate details and thorough planning….gah, if I could have a tenth of her talent I’d consider myself completely blessed.

Do you have pets?

Alas, no. I did have a dog for many years but when he passed, I couldn’t brave the heartbreak again!

You have travelled to various parts of the world. Tell us about your experience.

Travelling is one of my all-time favorite things to do. I’ve been really fortunate to travel to several countries abroad and I’ve recently started expanding my travel with the States. I’ll tell you a funny experience that happened to me when I was in Malaysia. I was on a public bus, heading into the market and noticed a little boy who wouldn’t stop staring at me. He kept reaching out to me, but his mom kept pulling him back and telling him no. He started crying so I told her it was okay. He wasn’t bothering me at all—I love kids! So the little guy comes up to me and starts rubbing my arm. He was fascinated. I couldn’t figure out what was going on until a friend I was traveling with spoke to him in Malay and cracked up. It turned out, he was trying to pet my freckles! He’d never seen them in person before and thought they would feel different. It was the cutest thing ever!

What does Poppy Dennison do when she is not writing?

When I’m not doing “Poppy Business” (i.e. writing, editing, blogging, etc.), I read or spend time in the garden. I’m on the road any chance I get, usually seeing friends or trying to visit somewhere I’ve never been before.

There’s a game I’d like you to play where I will give you two choices out of which you’d have to choose one. If none of them apply to you, simply say ‘None’. Are you ready?

– Easy one, if you could shift, which one would you prefer to change into – Lion or Tiger? I’m going to go with lion. I love the idea of all the lionesses working as a team. Although I’m not sure I’d like the idea of being in some lion’s harem. Hmm. Maybe I need to rethink that!

– Red or Black? Red, of course! With a name like Poppy, how could it be otherwise? LOL

– Would you prefer – a novella with the hottest sex scene ever but no storyline or a 1000 pages novel with the best story idea but no sex scene? I’m going to have to go with the novel. I love intricate world building so a really long book would be right up my alley.

– A genre you like the most – Romance or Fantasy? Romance

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I wish my neck wouldn’t be hurt anymore so I didn’t have to have more surgery!

Body Magic (Triad, #2)What’s next from Poppy Dennison then?

I have two books coming out in September. The first is Wild Magic, a spin-off to the TRIAD series. It gives a little more background into the mountain lion shifters in that world. The second is Accidental Alpha, the first book in a new paranormal series I’m doing with Wilde City Press.

What advice would you give to all the aspiring authors out there?

Oh gosh, there are tons of things I’d like to share. I’d say the most important thing for me is to have an amazing support system. I know it’s a challenge when just starting out, but find some good beta readers. And here’s a hint on what “good” is…if they aren’t afraid to tell you something isn’t good, then hang onto them. The last thing we need is “oh this is so good”. No first drafts are that good! Or maybe that’s just me. LOL

And a message to your fans or readers…

Thank you for all of your love and support. I can’t tell you how much it means when I get messages saying how much folks enjoy one of my books or have connected with one of my characters. It’s really special and I can’t explain how much inspiration it gives me to keep writing. As long as you guys want to read my books, I’ll keep writing them!


Blurb: Dayton Whitmore injures his arm playing basketball with his lion-shifter friends, and his best friend asks Dayton to check on her estranged brother Hart while he’s in Atlanta visiting a specialist. Though Dayton and Hart were never close, he grudgingly agrees.

Banishment from his pride meant Hart Sherman could never see his family again. His liger heritage—a tiger mother and lion father—was a thorn in his alpha father’s side. He always planned to go back for Dayton, the man he knows is his mate, but he uses his career as an entertainment attorney as an excuse to avoid risking Dayton’s rejection. When Dayton shows up unannounced on his doorstep, Hart wants nothing more than to claim him.

Knowing what it means to be a lion’s mate, Dayton isn’t in any hurry to make a lifetime commitment. To convince Dayton he’s serious, Hart must come to terms with the circumstances of his birth—and find a place in the pride for them both.

BUY LINK: Dreamspinner Press  ||  Book Store


About the Author

A sassy southern lady, Poppy Dennison developed an obsession with things that go bump in the night in her early years after a barn door flew off its hinges and nearly squashed her. Convinced it was a ghost trying to get her attention, she started looking for other strange and mysterious happenings around her. Not satisfied with what she found, Poppy has traveled to Greece, Malaysia and England to find inspiration for the burly bears and silver foxes that melt her butter. Her love of paranormal continues to flourish nearly thirty years later, and she writes steamy love stories about the very things that used to keep her up all night. If her childhood ghost is lucky, maybe one day she’ll give him his own happily ever after.

You can find out more about Poppy’s books on her website




Horizons-Book One in the Horizons Series

HorizonsTwenty-three-year-old Clark Stevens, a popular wide receiver with a potential NFL contract, has a few problems. He’s got a jealous girlfriend, a narrow-minded and controlling father, an attention problem, and an unexpected and powerful attraction to the trauma doctor—the male trauma doctor—who treats him for a broken bone.

Dr. Jody Williams is getting some really mixed signals. He can’t ignore how much he wants Clark, because it’s obvious Clark feels the same way. For the out and proud doctor, the solution seems very simple. For Clark, it’s not! His world is not gay-friendly, and the obstacles he’s faced have led him to deny his sexuality for years.

It’s the Super Bowl of disasters, no matter how you look at it. In the end, Clark has to decide if he’s going to stick with the only life he’s ever known or take a chance on a new one with Jody.


I SPED up I-80, heading out to Folsom. I’d been in a miserable mood since I left Jody last night.

We’d sat for an hour, attempting to read through a few chapters, but the dynamic between us had changed after the close body contact. We were like two prizefighters, tiptoeing around each other, afraid to meet in the center of the ring for fear of the explosion that would occur. He must have been able to tell I was at my breaking point, as I clenched and unclenched my jaw the entire time we were reading. I couldn’t bear to look at him, and when his hand accidentally brushed mine, we both jumped in shock.

It was torture in the most erotic, mind-bending way. I would have probably disgraced myself if he touched me again, and so I just stood up, kicked back the chair, and told him I had to go. He sat there and nodded, looking the other way. I knew he was as affected as I was because his hands were trembling when he held the book and his eyes were shimmering.

I pulled into my parents’ driveway, completely unaware of the distance I’d traveled. The house seemed unoccupied, and I yelled out for Mom, getting no response.

Hunger seized me suddenly. I couldn’t remember when I’d last eaten, so I pulled open the refrigerator door and grabbed the essentials of a sandwich—the cold cuts, the mayo and mustard—and a bottle of Corona, balancing everything like a circus juggler. By the time I’d polished off my lunch, the troops were starting to arrive.

“Dude, when’d you get in?” Zach grunted out, looking like he’d been through a war.

“What’s with you?”

“I’ve been out helping Robby lay carpet in the baby’s room.”

“Talk about last minute.”

“I know.”

“Did you get it done?”

“It’s all good. Are you staying the night?”

“May as well.”

“Is Nikki with you?”


“Why not?”

“We’re not joined at the hip, you know.”

“You’re lucky to have her, dude. She’s hot as fuck!”

“We’re just friends.”

“What a dumbass!”

“Don’t call me that!” I spat out, just itching for a fight. I hoped he’d say it again, because I was in the mood to break something, and his face was as good as anything.

“What the hell is going on?” My dad had just walked through the door and caught my end of the conversation.

“Tell Zach to mind his own business.”

“Why are you in such a foul mood?”

“I’m just tired of people telling me what I should and shouldn’t do.”

“Like who?”

“Like never mind!”

I stood up and walked out of the room, making my way down the hall toward my bedroom. I threw myself on the bed and put my right arm over my eyes, willing myself to calm down. I knew I’d overreacted to Zach’s few questions. I knew why I was in such a state, and it had nothing to do with anyone in this house.

After a few minutes, I heard a light knock on the door, and my mom popped her head in. “Can I come in?”

“Sure.” Why the fuck not.

She sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed her hand up and down my leg. “What’s bothering you?”

“It’s nothing, Mom.”

“Don’t tell me it’s nothing. You’re in one of your moods again, and I really don’t want any problems this weekend.”

“Then tell Zach to leave me alone. Tell everyone to leave me alone and get out of my business. You included.”

“What the hell have I done?”

“Nothing! Just go, Mom. I’m sorry.”

“Sweetie, is it Nikki? Have you two had a fight?”

“Oh, please, give me a break.”

“What then?”

“Nothing. Just go!”

“Fine!” She stood and walked out the door, slamming it in a childish fit of temper.

It’s funny that she would accuse me of having a “mood.” Everyone around here was into door slamming and yelling. We were not the most peaceful household in the world, and I suppose with five sons, any gentleness in my mother was soon replaced by the need to be as tough as nails so that her boys wouldn’t ride roughshod over her. The only time she showed her gentle side was when we got sick or hurt. The rest of the time she was all business, which brought my thoughts back to something I’d questioned many times before.

Why did I have these feelings for other men? It’s not like my mother dressed me in pink or played with tea sets around me. I was handled in exactly the same manner as my other brothers, except for the special attention to my schoolwork. Maybe it had something to do with the ADD? Was that same gene the one that made me think about guys the way my brothers thought about women?

I wondered what Jody would think of my family. He already disliked my father for the mishandling of my attention deficit. I couldn’t imagine what it was like to grow up in a family as accepting as Jody’s. For a father to actively educate a gay son about safe sex was mind-boggling. Neither one of my parents had given us any sex education. They just assumed we knew what we were doing. The only time I heard anything about sex was when Magic Johnson resigned due to his HIV status and my father sat in front of our TV set and called him a fucking queer. He then turned to us and said, “See, this is what happens when you stick your dick in the wrong places.” The fact that Johnson contracted HIV from a female meant nothing to my dad. He heard HIV, and he assumed Magic was queer.

I was around ten or eleven at the time, already harboring a few man fantasies, and as soon as I heard that I shoved them so far back in the closet they were buried for years. All my efforts to be “normal” in that area of my life were successful due to the countless number of females who threw themselves at me. Every time I’d start thinking of a male body, I’d actively seek out a female or watch a girly video or read Playboy; anything to keep the visions of men out of my brain.

This brought me to the real reason why I was so angry I was vibrating in place. All my efforts to be like all the other men in my family were useless, because I wasn’t like them. I was a twenty-two-year-old jock on the brink of an NFL career, daydreaming about kissing Jody on the mouth. In truth, I wanted way more. What would he taste like? Would he let me run my hands over his chest and down his abs, and finally grip that hard-on that had pressed up against me on at least two occasions. I imagined sinking down on my knees in front of him, sliding the zipper down his khakis, and freeing his cock. I was certain it would be as perfect as the rest of him. Could I handle him without gagging? Did spunk taste sweet or salty? What about swallowing? Oh God…. I was so fucking hard I had to get off. I flipped over and pressed my monster cock against the mattress, knowing this would never happen because I was too chickenshit to do anything about it.

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About Mickie B Ashling

Mickie B. Ashling is the alter-ego of a multifaceted woman raised by a single mother who preferred reading over other forms of entertainment. She found a kindred spirit in her oldest child and encouraged her with a steady supply of dog-eared paperbacks. Romance was the preferred genre, and historical romances topped her favorites list.

By the time Mickie discovered her own talent for writing, real life had intruded, and the business of earning a living and raising four sons took priority. With the advent of e-publishing and the inevitable emptying nest, dreams were resurrected, and the storyteller was reborn.

She stumbled into the world of men who love men in 2002 and continues to draw inspiration from their ongoing struggle to find equality and happiness in this oftentimes skewed and intolerant world.

Her novels have been called “gut wrenching, daring, and thought provoking.” She admits to being an angst queen and making her men work damn hard for their happy endings.

Mickie loves to travel and has lived in the Philippines, Spain, and the Middle East but currently resides in a suburb outside Chicago.



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Reviewed by Shelley

TITLE: American Love Song
AUTHOR: Ashlyn Kane
PUBLISHER: Dreamspinner Press
BLURB: Jake Brenner has too many wild oats to sow to fall in love—or so he claims. Besides, he’s much too busy with his band, the Wayward Sons, to go looking for romance. His reticence has nothing to do with his embarrassing crush on Chris, the band’s lead singer and Jake’s erstwhile best friend. But that was before enigmatic wanderer Parker McAvoy signed on as the band’s new lead guitarist.


I must have overlooked this book about fifty times when sifting through my TBR pile. Mentally discarding it with a flippant wave of the hand thinking:  pfft … silly rock star book -why did I even buy this? I know it’s not my thing, not anymore.  So don’t ask me why I decided to read it, I just did.

Now here’s the part where I say: I could have smacked myself repeatedly with a rubber hose for not reading it up ages ago. Gah … when will I learn to stop being so darn picky.

American Love Songs is just so lovable and easy: there’s no angst, no major dramas, no overworked plot. It’s just adorable, wholesome, feel-good comfort reading. This is the book you need to be reading to purge your mind of that nasty horror story you just finished.

There’s not much I can add to the summary because the story is a simple one. But Jake’s narration is a fun absorbing account of his life on the road, the bands growing success, their rise to fame, his significant intriguing relationship with Parker, his flings, his failure to see what’s right in front of him, and most importantly and finally – eventually – his love for Parker.

I adored Jake; he’s such a natural down-to-earth character, so uncomplicated, so painfully oblivious and so perfectly imperfect. Ms Kane balanced him quite nicely I think.

Jake and Parker are not portrayed as stereotypical rock stars and I liked that a lot. The author leaves that role for the other two band members to fill; bringing their own, ahem … charm and flair to the story, even somethe girls where okay. But just like Jake … I loved Parker. He was my focus and my favourite.

It’s not often I fall in love with a guy who blushes like a pretty Victorian virgin. But I couldn’t resist Parker’s vulnerabilities, secrecies, intelligence, unbelievable talent, awkwardness, and awesome tattoo (I’m shallow okay) All that he results in me doodling little pink hearts with our initials all over my arm, my desk, my company invoices – everything! Yes, I’ve become a teenager once more and it’s just awesome.

Just a heads up before I love and leave you. There’s a few cheesy eye roll moments, some editing hiccups, and a major squee moment involving Elton John.  None of this was enough to relieve my achy grin though.  Oh, and don’t worry if the story starts to feel like a YA cousin due to the off page sex. Trust me, it’s not and it’s really worth the wait, oh-me-oh-my is it ever!

Can I just whisper … shower scene – hot!

Have fun and … no, I won’t say it.

Ah hell. Yes I will.

… Rock & Roll!!

Shelley’s Rating: four-stars_0

BUY LINK: Dreamspinner Press  ::  Book Store

Shelley is one of the official reviewers on The Blog of Sid Love.

To read all her reviews, click the link: SHELLEY’S REVIEWS

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Reviewed by Danielle


TITLE: Forever Promised (Book #4)
SERIES: Promises
AUTHOR: Amy Lane
PUBLISHER: Dreamspinner Press
BLURB: Crick has been home from Iraq for five years, Jeff and Collin are finally married, and Shane and Mikhail are quietly making lives better for the dispossessed teenagers who come their way. Everything is right in Deacon’s world, but nothing ever stays the same.

Benny’s offer forces Deacon and Crick to dredge up every past mistake and offer of redemption. And not just the two of them—everybody is forced to examine the chances they’ve been given and the promises they’ve made. In a real family, a child is a promise, and to the men and women of Promise Rock, keeping that promise will change their lives forever.


You cannot simply start to read this book without some background information simply because this book cannot be read as a standalone. This book is the long awaited (final?) part of the ‘promise’ series. This book is what fans hoped for, for a long time.

The series that started out with “Keep Promise Rock” and introduced the readers to Deacon and Carrick “Crick” and his little sister Benny; the book that took us readers through their struggle in youth and as they grew up in life to finally have a life together. The book, I personally think, cannot be read without falling in love with his characters’ “owners”. Besides the main characters mentioned, it introduces you to Deacon’s best friend, John and his wife, Amy and also to Crick’s best friend, Jeff and also, Drew, who is a former army friend of Crick’s. “Their Family”.
You will laugh at their humor, you will be hurting because of their pain and your heart will bleed for their loss but never to forget you will love them with your whole heart.

From Keep Promise Rock, it will take you too Making Promise, where you will find the characters from Promise Rock but you will read the story that is centred around Shane, a cop and Michael, a Russian dancer and not to forget – Kimmy, Shane’s sister.

In their story you will surf on the total difference between the two men, the struggle of Kimmy, the struggle of both men to reconcile themselves with how they feel what they went through in life, what they want in life and a way to get that with the support of the complete family including Michael’s fight for his mother’s last wish as she is dying of cancer and Shane getting hurt repeatedly on his job.
And I dare you to not laugh at “Mickey’s” attitude and loud mouth or to treasure the word lubime forever (because I will).

From Making Promise it takes you to what was (!!) the last in the trilogy, Living Promises and in this you will read the happy ending for Jeff, when he gets swiped off his feet by younger garage owner Collin.

You will get a peek into their lives – both living with HIV, how they got it what happened because of it and mainly we learn about Jeff’s past. We find new character Martin, as being the brother of Jeff his former and deceased lover, Kevin and we deal with gay hate in different ways in this story.

This story is about acceptance not only by the main characters but also acceptance of who you are, what you want and what you think you deserve or can have. Of course we see how the whole family deals with this and other things going on in their lives like the building of the shelter for runaway kids that Shane and Michael run together with Kimmy. We see Lucas who came with Martin and took a good look at Kimmy and decided to stay , we see little steps in the life of Parry (Benny’s daughter) and how Benny’s own relationship with Drew finally comes of the ground now she is older and we also see little Lilly (John and Amy’s little girl) grow up.

A significant part of this book is also about Deacon, the Patriarch of the family, so to speak, the glue that keeps them together, getting sick and the impact that has on the whole family and all that belongs to them.

And now finally this treasure Forever Promised.

The Last in the series and as I said before, this book cannot be read without reading the others so don’t even try plain simple.

You will not recognize the characters you will not have any idea about what is being offered and you will not get the emotional baggage that is behind offers being made and emotions running loose.

We get reacquainted with the “family”, we learn about what is being offered and how they all deal with this in their own way. We read parts of all their life in different chapters peeking into their relationships, their struggles, their happiness and their sexiness 😉 We learn about Deacon and Crick how they deal in completely different way of what Benny is offering them. We see Benny herself making a life of her own living in her own house with Drew and Parry. We see Michael and Shane tending to their shelter and being as together as two people, who can be as they were from when they got together.

We live Jeff’s brightened personality with Collin’s enthusiastic youthness and we share in Kimmy’s grief in dealing with understanding that things aren’t always as fair as you want them to be.

I am choosing not to go into details as I honestly believe this book, as a reader, you need to experience yourself knowing that whoever picks up this book will do it because of you have read the first three and want to see what happened/ happens in this one.

A part I choose to pick out especially is this, halfway through book the story centres around the departure of John (and Amy) I have to say this hit me like a ton of bricks. I was crying silent tears from the emotions portrayed and also laughing about the funny parts that were in between the emotional parts. Unbelievable writing! I cannot say differently. It takes you on a rollercoaster ride and makes you feel what both guys are feeling lost , loved ,lonely, scared as hell, curious, so, so frightened to be left alone and also in knowing that what they share is forever brothers of the heart The memories , the humor, the love indefinitely.

I am not one to cry easily but in this book I had to twice.

The first I told you about before, the second comes with loss and grief and as I don’t want to reveal the complete story. It is enough to tell you that I don’t think anyone will have a dry eye reading this.

The final part is about loss, learning to let go, starting over and about new life and to come full circle understanding what their family means to any of them and all of them, to form bonds accept new bonds and to finish what they started all together.

In the end even though I don’t believe in perfect this comes close and I cannot do different than to rate this at 5 stars (one of the reasons is because I think in total the whole series is a gem a treasure to keep and re-read from time to time).

Yes, there were things that could have been different or could have been approached in a different way but with all the emotions – the power, the love and the mixture of hurt, loss, grief, humor, anger, hotness, intense emotions and most of all Life – the unique characters and the bonding with both characters in their lives, this book will make you feel everything and I dare you to disagree.

I hope Mrs. Amy Lane will pick up her “pencil” again and will give us a new promise book from time to time because what is not to love about them and there is always more to share…

“It’s a promise that there will be more memories. It’s a promise that love will live on…”

BUY LINK: Dreamspinner Press  ::  Book Store

Danielle is one of the official reviewers on The Blog of Sid Love.

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Reviewed by Susan Lee

TITLE: Chase the Storm
AUTHOR: V. M. Waitt
PUBLISHER: Dreamspinner Press
BLURB: Up until he buys an old truck, Elijah Morgan lives life according to his family’s plan, never feeling like he belongs. Desperate to find his own path, he heads out on the open road, only to end up stranded in Nebraska. Not wanting to ask for his parents’ help, he takes a job with tough, independent farmer Chase McKenzie.

Despite their age gap, the attraction between Chase and Elijah soon becomes undeniable. They give in to their desire, but that night changes everything and threatens the secret Chase guards so carefully.

As the summer heats up, so does their relationship. When autumn arrives, Elijah is due back at college, and he’ll have to choose whether to continue his education and follow in his family’s footsteps… or to stay in Nebraska with the man he loves.


Wow. This book, by the end, really just stole my heart. The pace, which I thought was painfully slow in the beginning, turned out to be exactly what made this story as beautiful as it was.

Elijah, our 19 year old narrator, grew up in a privileged home with parents who have never really understood him. Against his wishes, but to please his family, he heads to Harvard to study business. Desperately unhappy, lost, and defeated after his first year, he spontaneously buys a beat up truck and heads wherever the road leads him.

The road leads him to Nebraska…and onto Chase McKenzie’s farm.

Chase is such a heartbreaking character. Having experienced loss over and over again, he’s basically shut himself down and resigned himself to living his quiet life on his horse & wheat farm. Needing an extra pair of hands to help out, he takes Elijah in and not only teaches him how to be a farmer, but eventually, also, how to be a man.

Elijah, though naïve, innocent, and inexperienced actually had such a burning strength inside of him. I loved how huge his heart was for Chase. His heart loved big enough to forgive Chase’s own internal struggles manifested in mistreatment, at times, of Elijah. And his commitment to seeing Chase to a place of healing was lovely.

Chase…*sigh*…I’ve never wanted to just hug and console a man as much as I did Chase. Broken, hardened, and painfully sad, the moment he begins allowing Elijah in, and even all the struggles to reconcile their relationship in his life following, all I wanted was to see him happy.

This book’s pace is slow and repetitive. But I realized about ¼ of the way in that this must be intentional. The life lived on this farm is slow and repetitive. And when something was introduced out of the norm, I felt as affected by those experiences as I believe Elijah was as well. The bond between these 2 characters was a slow growth and the end result is truly one of the most beautiful love stories I’ve read in a long time.

Emotional…I cried…a lot.

Sexy…damn are the two of them sexy together.





Susan’s Rating: four-stars_0

BUY LINK: Dreamspinner Press  ||  Book Store

Susan Lee is one of the official reviewers on The Blog of Sid Love.

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Reviewed by Danielle

TITLE: Heart of the Race
AUTHOR: Mary Calmes
PUBLISHER: Dreamspinner Press
BLURB: Varro Dacien spends his life riding toward the next adventure. Brian Christie, his best friend and touchstone, the one person who’s always truly seen him, plays sidekick on these madcap adventures and subsequent trips to the hospital until he can’t take it anymore. While Brian can see Varro, Varro has never caught on that he’s breaking his best friend’s heart.

Without Varro, Brian builds himself a life that’s all about just getting by, doing his best to ignore the hole in his heart and his life. Without Brian to balance him, Varro pushes harder and takes more risks to reach that ultimate high. His job racing high-octane bikes on suicide-level courses makes it easy to get that rush… until it’s no longer enough and Varro realizes it’s not the race, but who’s waiting at the finish line that truly matters. Now he just has to convince Brian to be there.


Where you are a bit confused in the beginning, where you wonder what is going on, you understand where it comes from when you get involved in this fabulous story.

You walk the story with Brian – a young man whose life started out as a foster kid getting to live with a real family because of certain circumstances that I don’t want to expose.

You discover the feeling of love that Brian has for his family especially the love he has for his “brother” Varro a motorcycle racer in heart, body and soul. I lived his story about loving from a distance, seeing the love of your life acting playboy, finding the border of dangers and still felt the special bond between them. I am not going to tell you more about how their story goes or how it evolves because it is so worth reading.

If I should enter a personal note, I would mention Miss Mary Calmes is for me the Queen in this genre. But I think that even when you like a writer you need to be objective. For me this story has it all. It has drama, character, hurt and love & bonding.

The only objection I find here is that I would have wished it was a novel instead of a short story for the “Make a Play” anthology for which it was written for. So, in the end you are left with wanting more and expanding on what went on.

Coming to that conclusion I’d give it 4.5 stars and a recommendation to read.

Danielle’s Rating:

BUY LINK: Dreamspinner Press  ::  Book Store 

Danielle is one of the official reviewers on The Blog of Sid Love.

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Reviewed by Sid Love

TITLE: Directing Traffic
AUTHOR: Charley Descoteaux
PUBLISHER: Dreamspinner Press
BLURB: Neil Sedwick expects to spend his vacation in a sleepy tourist trap mourning his late partner’s death. Instead, he puts his recently acquired CPR certificate to use and saves an elderly resident’s life. But it’s the survivor’s nephew, sexy middle-school teacher Ty Bigelow, who causes Neil to reevaluate his routine and consider reopening his heart.

Though the electricity between them is undeniable, Ty is struggling with his own feelings of inadequacy, and Neil is moored to the past. Even the healing peace of an old man’s garden and the ever-changing waters of the Oregon coast may not be enough to prepare Neil to overcome a crisis of the heart.


This was a pretty quick read for me and I will say this – it has a decent storyline of two well-sketched out characters who meet for a very special reason and that is to complete each other!

Neil Sedwick is troubled, while on vacation, since it is the time of the year when he is reminded of someone who was very special to him; that someone had been the first love of his life and had suddenly passed away due to a heart attack. Ever since then, Neil puts in efforts to get a certification and learns the method of CPR which could help a person having a stroke, thus saving his life.

That comes in handy when Neil finds an old man showing signs of getting a heart attack and runs for his help. He saves a life and is approached by the handsome nephew of the old man, who expresses gratitude for what he has done. Little did either of them know, how badly the other was falling prey to an undeniable attraction. Inevitable happens and the attraction leads them to have a hot, steamy affair. Neil finds himself opening up his heart to let Ty in but Ty has his own demons to fight against. How they overcome everything else to be happy with each other is what this story all about is.

The character of Neil Sedwick and the incredible writing of Charley Descoteaux made the reading of this book worthwhile. Neil has suffered a loss, and throughout the story I felt it in his actions and behavior how it had molded him to be the man he was. Novellas provide a very restricted arena to cover in respect of character depth, so I can understand when an author feels the need to hold back on much exploration to a character. That is the reason why I won’t give the author a hard time regarding not giving us a lot on the other main character Ty. Instead, the author deserves to be showered with compliments for bringing the character of Neil so alive to the readers. He is this mature man that I immediately felt connected to.

My main issue with this story was that I felt it was quite an ordinary tale – something that I had read or heard of many times. Yet, there was the unique writing style of the author which kept me intrigued till the end. The story had a lot of potential, I agree and that had me disappointed a bit because I know it would have been an amazing journey to read about had it been a novel.

But I am not the one to complain about the length, really. This is good as it is and I felt pleased after reading this. If you are into sweet & cute Romance, this is the book for you.

Ending this review on a note, that Charley Descoteaux was a new author to me when I picked this one up, and she has managed to impress me a lot. So, from now on, I will be keeping an eye out for any new books coming out from her.

Sid’s Rating: 3-stars-out-of-5-300x70

BUY LINK: Dreamspinner Press  ||  Book Store

Sid Love is the owner of The Blog of Sid Love.

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Reviewed by Nikyta

TITLE: Out of Left Field
AUTHOR: Raine Norman
ANTHOLOGY: 2013 Daily Dose: Make a Play
PUBLISHER: Dreamspinner Press
BLURB: Concierge Jake Wentworth rues the day he got involved with Mikey, his coworker and cheating ex-lover. Already in a foul mood, a rude guest further puts him off his game. Jake realizes there is more to Billy Smith than his first impression when they accidentally meet while jogging the next morning. When they hit it off over coffee and sightseeing, Jake worries his battered heart will be in for more pain, but Billy is determined to make something more of their relationship.


After a crappy day in which Jake Wentworth catches his lover, Mikey, cheating on him, Jake’s exhausted and just wants to go home and enjoy his two days off. As a concierge, Jake’s just about seen everything but he’s still bewildered when a new guest is not only rude but eventually asks for a delivery of KFC’s finest… and without anyone knowing. Then, the next morning, Jake runs into the same guest, Billy Smith, and after a bit of awkward flirting, the two hit it off. What comes next is a weekend filled with fun but when the games are over is there still a chance of a future for them?

One thing I really liked about this story were the characters. Jake’s only been living in the States for about three months so he’s fairly naive when it comes to anything American, especially sports. The two bond over being tourists and I found this completely adorable since Billy liked to tease Jake about a lot of things. Billy is more of an enigma. He’s sweet and charming with that southern drawl that’s oh so sexy but he’s very secretive, for good reason. While the characters don’t have much depth to them, I still really enjoyed their interactions. I loved their banter but I also found them hot and sexy. The story revolves solely around them, how they meet and get to know each other but ultimately deciding if continuing something further is worth it for both of them.

The biggest, and I think my only, issue with this story is the length. This is one of those books that would have been amazing if it had been longer but since it was so short, it feels vague and just touches the surface of not only the characters but the relationship they develop. Since it is short, there’s more telling than showing of their dates, when they get to know each other and of when the feelings start to become stronger. I missed that about the story because I really loved these characters and getting a deeper look into them would have been amazing. Besides that, I felt like the secret Billy was hiding and how he revealed it was a bit cowardly. I’d have liked him to own up to it himself instead of the way he handled it.

In the end, this was a good story. Although hindered by the length, I won’t deny that I adored the characters and their journey simply because they were cute, funny at times, and I loved the connection between them. The story left me with a feeling that one day, things can be as accepting as they were in this book. For those looking for something sweet, simple and easy to read give this one a try because it’ll no doubt leave you with a smile 🙂

Nikyta’s Rating: 535px-3-5_stars-svg

BUY LINK: Dreamspinner Press  ||  Book Store

Nikyta is one of the official reviewers of The Blog of Sid Love.

To read all her reviews, click the link: NIKYTA’S REVIEWS

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Reviewed by Sid Love

TITLE: Down Under
AUTHOR: Tam Ames
PUBLISHER: Dreamspinner Press
BLURB: The year 2089 finds Australia split between east and west, with a wall to ensure the east stays safe. College student Aiden Taylor is traveling from Perth to Sydney to see Men at Work, who have been revived after cryogenic freezing. Regrettably, only days into his trip, his moped is stolen—and then he meets a naked man from the east. The man turns out to be Matthew King, who offers Aiden a ride—no strings attached—all the way to Sydney.

When another attack occurs the following night, Aiden discovers Matthew’s impossible secret: he’s a were-kanga. At least that gives them something to talk about when they experience delays at the wall. One thing leads to another, and soon friends with benefits turns into something more. But when the summer is over, Aiden must return to school in Perth. How can he leave Matthew behind?


If a book can get you high, I would say I am pretty drunk after finishing Down Under – A short story that worked wonderfully to entertain the reader in me.

The story is set in a future timeline, around the lands of Australia which has now been divided into East and West – the east side being under severe protection to keep it safe. The book doesn’t give a detailed account about all that and I was okay with it.

It begins with the main character, Aiden, making plans to go to Sydney which is considered the ‘other side’ for him, leaving his mother is worried sick. Aiden is a twenty year old music student who is keen on attending a big concert there and is determined to prove it to his mother that he is old enough to take care of himself. However, shit hits the fan during the journey when he is robbed. With his bike stolen and only fifty dollars left in his pocket, Aiden is helpless.

But wait… he is not so helpless, when there is a hot naked man running in the dark and tries to save the day. Oh yeah … the hunk who comes into Aiden’s life that night is Matthew and when someone as well-endowed as Matthew (in every aspect) is before him, Aiden is filled with lusty-lust! (Can ya blame him???!) And that’s where the hot n’ sweet ride begins…

No issue keeping it all a hush-hush since the blurb is spoiling it anyway. Well, Matthew is a shifter – a were-kangaroo and that made me do a double take. I admit, it was that one thing which had me curious to check out this book. It was new, it was weird but it was something I hadn’t heard of before!

However, if you are expecting this to be a fantasy-filled book with an all out war among shifter clans and a human character with whom a shifter falls in love with … that typical shit…well, you are mistaken and I am sorry to disappoint you but I believed this was plain Romance. A Romantic Comedy, to be specific.

The first half was totally hot! The sexual tension between Aiden and Matthew was so prominent that an erotic reader could definitely quench his thirst for hotness with it. Even when the whole were-kanga was weird, I kept picturing Matthew as this picture perfect guy I would love to be with but was too far-fetched because Aiden made him look that perfect (the story is told in third person, but from Aiden’s point of view). And Aiden’s young mind ran quite wild, to the extremes I couldn’t have imagined. The second half – after they reach Sydney – turned into a sweet, sappy tale between two guys who were getting smitten.

For me, the main attraction to this story was Aiden! You need to read this story just to read how extremely random his thoughts are, so much, that it had me rolling in laughter endlessly. I must say, he wasn’t much liked at the beginning, especially after the part where he is robbed. He spends half a chapter thinking of different ways to die only because he can’t face his mother. I am sure, it was there for comic relief, but I was a bit saddened by his suicidal nature (though I am ready to bet he would chicken out sooner if he tried to). But it changes as the story progresses and I am assuming it was Matthew’s presence around him that makes a difference.

The second half is really sweet and funny. Though I enjoyed it, I did feel that it was all too good to be true. Not that there wasn’t a conflict – there was, a good one – but there was also a time when I thought ‘I wish everyone was so accepting of a gay member in the family in real life’.

Ah well, I have always believed I can escape into a book and the world suddenly seems to be a better place. It gives me hope and a happy ending, what else do I need?

I am rating this on the meter of how much I enjoyed this book and giving it a 4.5! And yes, it comes highly recommended to everyone who cares for some romance mixed with comedy!

Sid’s Rating:

BUY LINK: Dreamspinner Press  ||  Book Store

Sid Love is the owner of The Blog of Sid Love.

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